
Some liberal's essay on how he is right (no pun intended) and we are wrong

"This is the world of the Republican Party, split open like a rotting pumpkin. Crime after crime after crime being investigated, all revolving around the Republican money machine. Every seed connected by the strands of money they share between them Wheres my money?. Barely-laundered campaign money passed in the palm of every flabby handshake. Every player in boldface, underlined print in the Rolodex Aww, did I miss when they handed them out? of every other.

And still, this same bottom-tier world of flag-waving supporters still obsessed over an extramarital sex act I actually don't give a damn..but if you say so, it must be true, but offended to the point of sad, blustering threats at the notion that crimes by gilded and worshipped Republicans sorry, I don't worship anyone (that includes Jesus....Alvarez) are really still crimes.

Your party has set aflame the entire political landscape, and now, once burned, you warn sternly from the branches of a burnt-out tree about "playing with fire" I like your lack of proof, it really makes it sound truthful. You used the ashes of one of the great liberal who the hell cares if it is Liberal? cities of America, New York City, as war paint for your own sick, racist Again, where's your proof, you are making deliberate untruths to demonize Conservatives and you call us sick dreams. You shudder at a burning flag maybe because it is an awful thing to see something you love so much destroyed, but I do not wish that such actions were banned, yet are willing to snip-and-cut basic tenets of the Constitution as needed or convenient.

And now, you're outraged, not by any of the rest of it, not by anything that has come before, but because a few prominent Republican faces have -- shock of shocks -- been indicted in probes that have spanned years of investigation, and interrogation, and deposition Politicians will always be politicians; I mean Ted Kennedy isn't exactly Gandhi is he?. That, you say, represents the underpinnings of a civil war.

You poor, hollow, blood-painted clowns Why do you need to insult to make your point? It just shows your incompetence at providing an adequate argument without resorting to third-grade jeers. Cheering the trials and failures of your country with the same pennants and giant foam hands I do not have a pennant or Giant foam hand; I have the Flag of the United States of America, the same country that allows you to voice your opinion that you wave at your favorite sports teams. Willing to accept the most outrageous of lies and yet you believe that Bush is a tyrant, uh yeah I don't know if you have looked up the definition, but tyrants aren't usually voted into office then re-elected for only four years, if they are spoken from your favorite talking heads and you aren't? I have my own opinons, not O'Reilly's, and soothe your own notions of America for you, and only for you.

And as for the audacity of Democrats speaking up during this process... the redfaced, you should actually have an 'and' there flatulent uh, are you sure flatulant is the word your looking for? fury with which you declare Republicans off-limits to that which you so gleefully hurl yourself...

Welcome to the world of the politics of personal destruction, you tubthumping, chin-jutting, Bush humping gits more insults, Jeez; show some class, try to make your point without a 'pottymouth'. Welcome to the nasty and partisan world that Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Hugh Hewitt, Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, and a legion of insignificant lowest-rung toadies like yourselves nurtured into fruition daily with eager, grubby hands, and now look upon with dull-faced faux horror I am sure Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and others just like them aren't partisan.

I know you hate me no, I pity you, and anyone else to dares disturb the thin strands of alternate reality in which George W. Bush is an intellectual giant my god, your opinion, How bout some facts?, Saddam really was responsible for 9/11, the economy is getting better by the minute, and we capture the most very important members of al Qaeda on a weekly basis.

But here's some advice. You'd better start hating me more uh, no, it's you who hates people. This is the world you forged and, unfortunately for you, I'm beginning to take a fancy for it. Welcome to the politics of your own party, finally sprouting from the ground on which you planted the seeds and shat upon them.

.....So don't give me chest-thumping crap about civil wars, if your politicians are indicted. Don't give me visions of a lake of fire, if all those who find you loathsome refuse to suck at your teats of scientific ignorance in the name of religion I am totally not religious, and yet I am a conservative MY GOD, racism in the name of freedom GIVE EXAMPLES, and corruption in the name of the New World Order yet, just the other day, it was the liberals who were crying for a new world order and the destruction of Israel; who are the nazi's now?.

Get used to the world you have created, and the stench your worshipped heroes again, I don't worship anyone have unleashed."

- - - Hunter, in response to a threat of civil war from Mark Noonan (Republican apologist)

Yeah, basically this guy is just on a crusade to piss people off. What is truly sad is that he has some writing skill and he wastes it using insults to convey his message. Unfortunately (for the effectiveness of this essay) he used absolutely no examples or proof. Had he done so, his argument would have been far more convincing. He wants us to hate him, but how can you hate someone who wants to be hated? Honestly, it is like he is begging for people to send him letters so he can turn around and use it against them. This is completely pitiful. He has some writing mistakes in there that Word could have corrected and that really makes him seem a little less smart than what he was going for. Also his 'extensive' vocabulary just appears to make him sound smarter, but remember kids; you can tell if someone used word to create complex synonyms. His irritating blanket statements start to get annoying; especially those that refer to conservatives all are white christians. Since I am no fundamentalist, this annoys the crap out of me. Anyways, I was just picking apart his essay to convey his ignorance about Conservatives.

The Young Conservatives


Alright, this has little to do with politics..but Jesus..

One of my favorite blogs, Right Thoughts, recently had an article talking about this cat that the owner wanted to Euthenize. Now, the owner went to the Vet to put down a cat they had owned for 10 years, which was in perfect health. The owner wanted to get rid of it, not just take it to get adopted, TO KILL IT for the sole purpose that the owner's new puppies did not get along with the cat. So, instead of keeping them seperated, the owner is so goddam lazy that they will just get the cat killed. Fortunately, the Vet (whom I must thank) refused to put the cat down. I just wanted to bring this up because I am sickened that people can just do this kind of thing. The cat is a LIVING being; yet they treat animals like they are not living things at all; they treat them like old toys. Here is a link to the full article by JimK. I hope somebody can adopt this cat if they can.

The Young Conservatives


Counter Protest Pix!

Here are some pictures of me and other protest warriors with some College Republicans:

The group of us roped off by ANSWER goons

Obviously a Protest Warrior Shirt, Jake's shirt infact

A college Republican sign seriously depicting
the liberal reaction to usMe (white shirt, camera bag) and Jake (blue shirt, holding big sign) and his
father (blue shirt, jeans, hat)

Well, that's about all you can see more pics from the September 24 LA Protest HERE
These pictures were, with many thanks, brought to you by The Sparks from the Anvil blog. Thanks again.

The Young Conservatives


The Left's Misinterpretation Of Insults to the Right

  1. often Fascism
    1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls<---advocated under socialism/communism, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
    2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.<----Like that under Communism

[Italian fascismo, from fascio, group, from Late Latin fascium, from Latin fascis, bundle.]
fas·cistic (f-shstk) adj. Word History: It is fitting that the name of an authoritarian political movement like Fascism, founded in 1919 by Benito Mussolini, should come from the name of a symbol of authority. The Italian name of the movement, fascismo, is derived from fascio, “bundle, (political) group,” but also refers to the movement's emblem, the fasces, a bundle of rods bound around a projecting axe-head that was carried before an ancient Roman magistrate by an attendant as a symbol of authority and power. The name of Mussolini's group of revolutionaries was soon used for similar nationalistic movements in other countries that sought to gain power through violence and ruthlessness, such as National Socialism<----Interesting _____________________________________________________________ Na·zism
The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy<----COMMUNISM.

The Left (not all, but many) claim the Right to be Nazis and Fascists. Although the properties of both are more simialar to their side than to the Right. Yet, they claim we are both; this is because both words conjure up (within our minds) hateful actions of the past. They disregard that most of those actions were done under the guise (or just under) Communism or Socialism. Also, it makes Conservatives easier to hate; by applying these definitions, they can efficiently forgo the fact that the Right are people too (essentially dehumanizing us) and, by doing so, can hate us.
They [the left] use century old extreme Conservative (or so they believe, although it was the Republican party that freed the slaves, voted on the Civil Rights act, and helped exterminate Jim Crow Laws) beliefs to claim that all Conservatives are racist. This is just plain false; in fact, the form of ultimate racism is Affirmative Action, which insinuates that minorities are just that: Minorities, and that they need to be given more rights than other people (which is racism), therefore does not create equality, but creates inequality for the so-called "Majority."There will always be white power groups such as the KKK, but they do not represent all of the Right. They represent only themselves; the Left needs to learn this.

The Young Conservatives


The First Post AND My First War-Protest Experience

Ahem. I, Goggalor, have created this blog in my beliefs; as to nullify the perception that Conservative views are borne of idiocracy and hypocracy. I am a Protest Warrior, essentially "fighting the left...Doing it Right." I am no racist (contrary to popular liberal belief about Conservatives); in fact, I am far less so than the ANSWER goons (as in the people who run ANSWER, not the attendees) who seek to "end racism" and yet show undue hatred towards Israel. I love my country, the U.S. Flag, and my state of California. On Saturday, which was ANSWER's international day of protest, I went to LA to counter-protest. Upon arriving I met some other Protest Warriors and with my deepest thanks, the College Republicans. Anyways, after 'infiltrating' the march we recieved (after a few minutes of Liberals not getting it or scratching their heads in confusion; not to say all did, but they just do not read the whole thing; honestly, it merely proves how people see what they want to see and nothing more) the usual "Nazis go home" chant (further proving their ignorance, after all; they were the ones stepping into line marching to the big brother-like voice booming out calling for a 'new world order'). Once we arrived at the Rally, we heard some actually quite interesting speakers and a rather funny (though very partisan) impersonation of President Bush. All in all, it wasn't too bad, except for one scene that I can never, and will never forget; the destruction of the Flag of the United States of America by some anarchists intent on excercising their free speech who then had the nerve to QUESTION our free speech. I was just lucky enough to save a piece of the flag and that just made my day.
